Where to relocate to Europe with a family to live on 800 euros a month for three people and a cat in 2025

20 ways to obtain permanent residence permit of Bulgaria in 2025 – current information according to the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act

Hello, my dear reader. This article contains a list of 20 grounds for obtaining permanent residence permit in Bulgaria in 2025. The list corresponds to the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act as of December 31, 2024.

Like the grounds for prolonged residence permit, these grounds are part of the legal ways to move to Bulgaria for permanent residence, including from countries outside the European Union (Russia, India, USA, Israel and other countries).

The difference is the following: permanent status does not need to be confirmed after obtaining it.

The prolonged status, on the other hand, needs to be confirmed several times (within 5 years) before the permanent status is obtained.

At the same time, prolonged residence permits are easier and cheaper to obtain.

Difference between prolonged and permanent residence statuses

How this article came to be

In 2024 I started my 6th year of living in Bulgaria (with a prolonged residence permit) and automatically became eligible for permanent residency in the European Union.

There are 2 permanent statuses in Bulgaria – permanent residence permit and long-term residence permit, permanent residence permit is much more popular.

And to use such status and become a permanent (not temporary) resident, you need to do some things and documents, which I will talk about in this article.

I decided to chronicle the whole process so that this description will be useful to others, including those who read my moving story here: https://vk.com/bolgarium. If you like it, you can also join the community.

The main source is the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act, you can read its current text (in Bulgarian) here: lex.bg/laws/ldoc/2134455296.

What is a Bulgarian permanent residence permit and what it entitles you to do

This type of Bulgarian residence permit allows you to stay on the territory of Bulgaria without time restrictions.

A tourist can stay on the territory of the country up to 90 days per half a year, a person with a prolonged residence permit – can stay up to a year (usually, and then you need to extend the permit).

But with a permanent residence permit – you get it and live as a local resident.

The official name of this status in Bulgarian is “Постоянно пребиваване”.

What gives you a permanent residence permit in Bulgaria? When I looked it up for myself, I realized that with this status I will be able to do almost everything that Bulgarians can do, except work in the civil service, as well as participate in elections.

Besides, for me personally, a person who came from Russia, the permanent residence status gives more confidence that everything will be fine, because the status is permanent.

20 grounds for Bulgarian permanent residence permit – in simple words

First, I want to give you a list of 20 grounds in simple words. That is, in this paragraph – the approximate wording of the grounds to simply understand their essence, because reading them in the official language – difficult.

And I also grouped them a little bit (because there are several options for permanent residence for investment).

What to do with this: if you have found a ground that seems to fit – you can go to the next section and read the detailed translation.

But what is very important: if you have not found anything suitable – it is not terrible!

Because, in addition to these grounds for permanent residence permit – there are more than 30 more grounds for prolonged residence permit.

And if you can not get the status of permanent residence permit – well, you can just get the status of prolonged residence permit and wait 5 years. I did exactly that.

Grounds for Permanent Residence in Bulgaria Comments
A permanent residence permit may be granted to:
1. Foreigners of Bulgarian origin
2. Spouses of a foreigner with permanent residence status – after 5 years of stay in Bulgaria
3. Minor children of a Bulgarian citizen or foreigner with permanent residence status
4. Parents of a Bulgarian citizen – after 3 years of stay in Bulgaria
5. Foreigners after 5 years of stay in Bulgaria In other words, we get a prolonged residence permit, just live in Bulgaria (usually on the basis of “pension” or “representation”) – after 5 years – permanent residence permit. Very convenient and affordable.
6. Investors – mainly with investments over BGN 1 million Over 512 thousand euros
7. Foreigners not of Bulgarian origin who have lost Bulgarian citizenship
8. Foreigners staying in Bulgaria before 27.12.1998, whose parent was married to a Bulgarian citizen
9. Members of the family of a Bulgarian citizen – after 5 years
10. Foreigners who stayed in Bulgaria before 27.12.1998 and did not leave Bulgaria or who were born in Bulgaria and are not recognized as citizens of the former Soviet republics.
11. Foreigners operating under the Investment Promotion Act
12. Children abandoned by foreign parents
13. Investors with 500 thousand leva, creating 10 jobs for Bulgarian citizens Over 256 thousand euros
14. Investors with 250 thousand leva and 5 jobs or 600 thousand leva – after 5 years Over 128 thousand euros
15. Foreigners with merits for Bulgaria in various fields or in which there is state interest in them

If any of the points above worked for you, you can read the full translation of the grounds for obtaining permanent residence permit in Bulgaria.

All 20 grounds for permanent residence permit in 2025 from the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act

In the table below, I have tried to translate as closely as possible to the original text the provisions of the latest version of the FRBA as of the date the article was edited.

Translation Original text
Art. 25. (1). A permanent residence permit can be obtained by foreigners: Чл. 25. (1) (Предишен текст на чл. 25 — ДВ, бр. 36 от 2009 г.) Разрешение за постоянно пребиваване могат да получат чужденците:
1) of Bulgarian origin; 1. (изм. — ДВ, бр. 9 от 2011 г.) от български произход;
2) 5 years after the conclusion of a civil marriage with a permanent resident foreigner, [and they] have been legally and continuously staying in the territory of the country for 5 years, whereby in case of marriage with a foreigner with authorized permanent residence according to p. 6, 7 or 8 the residence requirements do not apply; 2. (изм. — ДВ, бр. 29 от 2007 г., доп. — ДВ, бр. 9 от 2011 г., доп. — ДВ, бр. 108 от 2013 г.) пет години след сключването на граждански брак с постоянно пребиваващ в страната чужденец и пребивавали законно и непрекъснато за срок 5 години на територията на страната, като при брак с чужденец с разрешено постоянно пребиваване по т. 6, 7 или 8 изискванията за пребиваване в страната не се прилагат;
3) Minor or under-aged children of a Bulgarian citizen or a foreigner permanently residing in the country, and these children have not married; 3. (изм. — ДВ, бр. 29 от 2007 г., доп. — ДВ, бр. 34 от 2019 г.) малолетни и непълнолетни деца на български гражданин или на постоянно пребиваващ в страната чужденец, които не са встъпили в брак;
4) parents of a Bulgarian citizen, when they provide him/her with the maintenance due by law and have stayed legally and continuously in the territory of the country for 3 years; 4. (изм. — ДВ, бр. 42 от 2001 г., изм. и доп. — ДВ, бр. 23 от 2013 г.) родители на български гражданин, когато му осигуряват дължимата по закон издръжка и са пребивавали законно и непрекъснато за срок три години на територията на страната;
5) who have stayed legally and without interruption in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria within the last 5 years before the application for permanent residence and have not been absent for more than 30 months during this period, in cases under Art. 24c only half of the time of stay is taken into account; 5. (изм. — ДВ, бр. 29 от 2007 г., отм. — ДВ, бр. 9 от 2011 г., нова — ДВ, бр. 23 от 2013 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 70 от 2013 г.) които са пребивавали законно и без прекъсване на територията на Република България в рамките на последните 5 години преди подаване на заявлението за постоянно пребиваване и за този период не са отсъствали повече от 30 месеца, като в случаите по чл. 24в се отчита само половината от времето на пребиваване;
6) who have created investments or increased their investments through acquisitions:

а) of shares or bonds of Bulgarian commercial organizations traded on a regulated market or in the multilateral trading system in the Republic of Bulgaria with a market value of at least BGN 1 million;

b) of rights under concession contracts in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria with a contract value of at least BGN 1 million;

c) of stakes or shares worth at least BGN 1 million in collective investment schemes, with origin from the Republic of Bulgaria, operating under the Act on the Activities of Collective Investment Schemes, and in other undertakings for collective investment, and provided that:

aa) the net asset value of each collective investment scheme is at least BGN 5 million;

bb) the collective investment scheme has obtained a license or permit from the Financial Supervision Commission;

cc) their investment strategy is mainly oriented towards investments in shares or bonds, under the letter “a”;

d) of stakes or shares with a value of at least BGN 1 million in alternative investment funds established in the Republic of Bulgaria, managed by persons who manage alternative investment funds, with origin from the Republic of Bulgaria, operating under the Act on the Activities of Collective Investment Schemes, and other collective investment undertakings, and provided that:

aa) the assets of each fund have a value of at least BGN 3 million;

bb) alternative investment funds and persons who manage alternative investment funds are licensed or registered by the Financial Supervision Commission;

cc) their investment strategy is mainly oriented towards investments in Bulgarian assets and they invest only in shares, stocks and bonds of Bulgarian companies, including joint stock companies with a special investment objective;

6. (изм. — ДВ, бр. 11 от 2005 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 36 от 2009 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 21 от 2021 г.) извършили инвестиция или увеличили инвестицията си чрез придобиване на:

а) акции или облигации на български търговски дружества, търгувани на регулиран пазар или многостранна система за търговия в Република България, на пазарна стойност не по-малка от 2 000 000 лв.;

б) права по концесионни договори на територията на Република България със стойност на договора не по-малка от 1 000 000 лв.;

в) дялове или акции на стойност не по-малка от 1 000 000 лв. в колективни инвестиционни схеми с произход от Република България, извършващи дейност съгласно Закона за дейността на колективните инвестиционни схеми и на други предприятия за колективно инвестиране, и при условие, че:

аа) нетната стойност на активите на всяка колективна инвестиционна схема е на стойност не по-малка от 5 000 000 лв.;

бб) колективната инвестиционна схема е получила лиценз или разрешение от Комисията за финансов надзор;

вв) инвестиционната им стратегия е насочена основно в инвестиции в акции и/или облигации по буква «а»;

г) дялове или акции на стойност не по-малка от 1 000 000 лв. в алтернативни инвестиционни фондове, установени в Република България, управлявани от лица, които управляват алтернативни инвестиционни фондове, с произход от Република България, извършващи дейност съгласно Закона за дейността на колективните инвестиционни схеми и на други предприятия за колективно инвестиране, и при условие, че:

аа) активите на всеки фонд са на стойност не по-малка от 3 000 000 лв.;

бб) алтернативните инвестиционни фондове и лицата, които управляват алтернативни инвестиционни фондове, са лицензирани или са регистрирани от Комисията за финансов надзор;

вв) инвестиционната им стратегия е насочена основно в инвестиции в български активи и инвестират единствено в дялове, акции и облигации на български дружества, включително акционерни дружества със специална инвестиционна цел;

7) invested in the country by contributing to the capital of a Bulgarian commercial company in the amount of at least BGN 2 million for the implementation by this company of a priority investment project certified according to the conditions and procedure of the Investment Promotion Act, which is certified by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth; 7. (нова — ДВ, бр. 36 от 2009 г., отм. — ДВ, бр. 16 от 2013 г., нова — ДВ, бр. 108 от 2013 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 21 от 2021 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 22 от 2022 г., в сила от 18.03.2022 г.) инвестирали в страната чрез внасяне в капитала на българско търговско дружество на сума не по-малка от 2 000 000 лв. за осъществяван от дружеството приоритетен инвестиционен проект, сертифициран при условията и по реда на Закона за насърчаване на инвестициите, което се удостоверява от Министерството на иновациите и растежа;
8) who have invested at least BGN 6 million in the capital of a Bulgarian commercial company whose shares are not traded on a regulated market; 8. (нова — ДВ, бр. 36 от 2009 г.) вложили в капитала на българско търговско дружество, чиито акции не са търгувани на регулиран пазар, сума не по-малка от 6 000 000 лв.;
9) who are not of Bulgarian origin, who were born in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, who have lost their Bulgarian citizenship under emigration agreements or of their own volition, and who wish to settle permanently in the territory of the country; 9. (нова — ДВ, бр. 42 от 2001 г., предишна т. 7 — ДВ, бр. 36 от 2009 г.) които не са лица от български произход, родени на територията на Република България, изгубили са българското си гражданство по изселнически спогодби или по собствено желание и желаят трайно да се установят на територията на страната;
10) who entered, stayed or were born on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria before December 27, 1998, and whose parent entered into a civil marriage with a Bulgarian citizen; 10. (нова — ДВ, бр. 37 от 2003 г., предишна т. 8 — ДВ, бр. 36 от 2009 г.) които до 27 декември 1998 г. са влезли, пребивават или са родени на територията на Република България и чийто родител е сключил граждански брак с български гражданин;
11) family members of a Bulgarian citizen if they have stayed continuously in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria for the last 5 years; 11. (нова — ДВ, бр. 29 от 2007 г., предишна т. 9 — ДВ, бр. 36 от 2009 г.) членове на семейството на български гражданин, ако са пребивавали непрекъснато на територията на Република България през последните пет години;
12) who entered, stayed and did not leave the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria before December 27, 1998 or who were born in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and are not recognized as citizens of the former Soviet republics; for this category of persons the requirement of Art. 15, para. 1 is not applied; 12. (нова — ДВ, бр. 9 от 2011 г.) които до 27 декември 1998 г. са влезли, пребивават и не са напускали територията на Република България или са родени на територията на Република България и не са признати за граждани на бившите съветски републики; за тази категория лица не се прилага изискването на чл. 15, ал. 1;
13) who operate and are certified under the Investment Promotion Act, as authenticated by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth in accordance with Article 25c; 13. (нова — ДВ, бр. 9 от 2011 г., доп. — ДВ, бр. 16 от 2013 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 14 от 2015 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 22 от 2022 г., в сила от 18.03.2022 г.) които извършват дейност и са сертифицирани по реда на Закона за насърчаване на инвестициите, удостоверено от Министерството на иновациите и растежа в съответствие с чл. 25в;
14) minor and under-aged children born and left by a foreign citizen parent(s) in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, who are placed in a social or integrated medical-social service for permanent childcare as a protection measure; 14. (нова — ДВ, бр. 43 от 2011 г., в сила от 15.06.2011 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 24 от 2019 г., в сила от 01.07.2020 г., изм. относно влизането в сила — ДВ, бр. 101 от 2019 г.) малолетни и непълнолетни деца, родени и изоставени от родител/и — чужд/и гражданин/ни, на територията на Република България, които са настанени в социална или интегрирана здравно-социална услуга за резидентна грижа като мярка за закрила;
15) minor and under-aged children left by a foreign citizen parent(s) in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, who are placed in a social or integrated medical-social service for permanent childcare as a protection measure; 15. (нова — ДВ, бр. 43 от 2011 г., в сила от 15.06.2011 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 24 от 2019 г., в сила от 01.07.2020 г., изм. относно влизането в сила — ДВ, бр. 101 от 2019 г.) малолетни и непълнолетни деца, изоставени от родител/и — чужд/и гражданин/ни, на територията на Република България, които са настанени в социална или интегрирана здравно-социална услуга за резидентна грижа като мярка за закрила;
16) who have made an investment in the country by contributing at least BGN 500 thousand to the capital of a Bulgarian commercial company, whereby the foreigner is a partner or shareholder with registered shares and owns at least 50% of the company’s capital, and as a result of the investment, new tangible and intangible fixed assets worth at least BGN 500 thousand have been acquired and at least 10 jobs have been created for Bulgarian citizens, which will remain during the period of stay, as confirmed by the Ministry of Innovation and Growth; The Ministry of Innovation and Growth issues a certificate after the Bulgarian commercial company motivates the need for the foreigner to stay in Bulgaria to make and maintain investments; 16. (нова — ДВ, бр. 16 от 2013 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 14 от 2015 г., доп. — ДВ, бр. 21 от 2021 г., изм. — ДВ, бр. 22 от 2022 г., в сила от 18.03.2022 г.) извършили инвестиция в страната чрез внасяне в капитала на българско търговско дружество на не по-малко от 500 000 лв., като чужденецът е съдружник или акционер с поименни акции и притежава не по-малко от 50 на сто от капитала на дружеството и в резултат на вложението са придобити нови дълготрайни материални и нематериални активи на стойност не по-малко от 500 000 лв. и са разкрити най-малко 10 работни места за български граждани, поддържани за срока на пребиваването, удостоверено от Министерството на иновациите и растежа; Министерството на иновациите и растежа издава удостоверението след мотивиране от страна на българското търговско дружество на необходимостта от пребиваване на чужденеца за изпълнението и поддържането на инвестицията;
17) foreigners who have been granted a prolonged residence permit under Art. 24, para. 1, items 19 and 20 and who have maintained the investment for 5 years. 17. (нова — ДВ, бр. 108 от 2013 г.) получили разрешение за продължително пребиваване по чл. 24, ал. 1, т. 19 и 20 и поддържали вложението в продължение на 5 години.
Art. 25a. Permission to stay in the Republic of Bulgaria without meeting the requirements of this Act may be granted to foreigners who have merits for the Republic of Bulgaria in the public and economic sphere, in the field of national security, science, technology, culture or sports, or there is a state interest. Чл. 25а. (Нов — ДВ, бр. 42 от 2001 г., доп. — ДВ, бр. 97 от 2016 г.) Разрешение за пребиваване в Република България, без да са налице изискванията на този закон, могат да получат чужденците, които имат заслуги към Република България в обществената и икономическата сфера, в областта на националната сигурност, науката, технологията, културата или спорта или е налице държавен интерес.
Art. 25c. (1) A permanent residence permit on the basis of Art. 25, par. 1, item 13 may be granted to a foreigner who carries out activities for the implementation and/or maintenance of an investment that has received a Class A, Class B certificate or a priority investment project in accordance with Art. 20, para 1, item 1 of the Investment Promotion Act. Чл. 25в. (Нов — ДВ, бр. 16 от 2013 г.) (1) Разрешение за постоянно пребиваване на основание чл. 25, ал. 1, т. 13 може да получи чужденец, който извършва дейност по изпълнение и/или поддържане на инвестиция, получила сертификат за клас А, клас Б, или за приоритетен инвестиционен проект по реда на чл. 20, ал. 1, т. 1 от Закона за насърчаване на инвестициите.
Art. 25d. (1) A member of the family of a Bulgarian citizen, who is allowed prolonged stay in accordance with Art. 24m, is entitled to permanent residence if he/she has legally stayed continuously for 5 years in the Republic of Bulgaria together with the Bulgarian citizen or if he/she has legally stayed continuously for 5 years in the Republic of Bulgaria in the cases stipulated in Art. 24 paras. 9, 10 и 11. Чл. 25г. (Нов — ДВ, бр. 97 от 2017 г.) (1) Член на семейството на български гражданин, на когото е разрешено продължително пребиваване по реда на чл. 24м, има право на постоянно пребиваване, ако законно е пребивавал непрекъснато за срок 5 години в Република България заедно с българския гражданин или ако законно е пребивавал непрекъснато за срок 5 години в Република България в случаите по чл. 24, ал. 9, 10 и 11.

Procedure for obtaining permanent residence permit in Bulgaria (after living with a prolonged residence permit for 5 years)

Step 1. Update your data in the bank where you have an account (if necessary).

Step 2. Collect a package of documents for the family and take them to the migration office

Step 3. Wait for 2 months.

Step 4. Come for a decision after 2 months. And you may be told: you have not received an answer yet, come back later.Step 5: Come back in a week or so. Find out that all is well. And get the following tasks:
  • fill out the application “Please issue me a notification letter that I am allowed permanent / long-term stay in Bulgaria”;
  • take a 3 by 4 photo;
  • pay a fee of 1000 leva (approximately 512 euros).

Step 6: Come to the Migration Department in a couple of days to hand over the application, photo, document confirming the payment of the fee and to receive the notification letter. If you come in the evening, you can get the letter the next day, as it is signed by the head of the department.

Step 7: We come to the municipality, take a ticket for the electronic queue (the service is called in Bulgarian: “ЕСГРАОН — адресна регистрация”, and in English: “EGRAON – address registration”). From the window you are given several documents to fill out in order to carry out address registration:

  1. Application for the issuance of a certificate of registration in the population registers (form 39022) (in Bulgarian “Заявление за издаване на удостоверение за вписване в регистрите на населението” (form 39022)
  2. Application for permanent address (in Bulgarian “Заявление за постоянен адрес”)
  3. Address card about the actual address (in Bulgarian “Адресна карта за настоящ адрес”)
  4. Residential owner’s declaration (in Bulgarian “Декларация”)
  5. These documents were accompanied by the notification letter received in migration in the previous step (in Bulgarian “уведомително писмо”)

Download all these forms: documents for address registration.

We filled them out based on this article (in Russian): https://bglife.su/получение-номера-егн-в-общине/.

Step 8: Go to a notary and make notarized copies (there were 3 of us: 2 adults, 1 child):

  1. notification letters – 1 copy each;
  2. tenancy agreement – 2 copies (the municipality did not need them, its employee made a regular copy herself);
  3. declaration from the owner – 2 copies (1 copy was needed);
  4. copies of translated and legalized birth certificates – 3 copies;
  5. copy of translated and legalized marriage certificate – 1 copy.

Step 9. Now we take all this set of documents to the municipality, take a coupon again (again “ЕСГРАОН — адресна регистрация”), give the documents – all these notarized copies and:

  1. additionally we gave simple copies of the notarial deed to the property from the owner;
  2. simple copies of foreign passports;
  3. simple copies of Bulgarian personal cards.

We pay 10 leva (approximately 5,12 euros) for processing each application (7 days; you can pay 15 – then it will be ready in 3 days, but for us it didn’t make sense), we get papers with numbers.

Step 10. Come back in about a week, submit personal cards and papers with numbers, receive 3 documents:

  1. Certificate of registration in the Population Register (in Bulgarian “Удостоверение за вписване в регистъра на населението”);
  2. Certificate of permanent address (in Bulgarian “Удостоверение за постоянен адрес”);
  3. Certificate of actual address (in Bulgarian “Удостоверение за настоящ адрес”).

The nice thing is that each of these documents has not temporary (foreigner’s personal number – in Bulgarian “ЛНЧ”), but permanent (single civil number – in Bulgarian “ЕГН”) numbers.

Step 11: Go to the migration office to apply for personal cards for a residence permit

  1. Take with you the certificate of registration in the Population Register (it will be included in the package of documents); the certificates of permanent address and current address do not need to be handed over to the migration office, they will be left to you;
  2. the migration officer will ask for a personal card and a foreign passport, will give you a partially filled out application for a permanent residence permit, it is the same as for a prolonged residence permit, which every migrant has filled out a lot of times;
  3. now make photocopies of the passport and personal card and pay the fee for issuance of new cards (40 leva – if issued in 30 days, 80 leva – if issued in 10 days, 200 leva – if issued in 4 days);
  4. fill in the application form, attach the certificate of registration in the population register, copies of the foreign passport and personal card, the receipt for the payment of the fee – and give all these documents to the migration officer;
  5. wait a few minutes for the documents to be accepted, take a photo for the new document and leave your fingerprints and signature;
  6. receive a small paper with the case number and the date when the card is expected to be ready;
  7. then you just need to come for your personal card. And that will complete the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit.

Documents for permanent residence (example of a family with 1 child)

The list of documents is established by the Regulation on the Application of the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act (in Bulgarian – “Правилник за прилагане на Закона за чужденците в Република България”).

These lists can be found in Section 2 “Permanent Residence” (in Bulgarian “Раздел II. Постоянно пребиваване”), starting from Art. 34.

Here I will list what is needed as of August 2024 for a family with 1 child after 5 years of residence permit.

Documents for the parents

These documents are the same for both parents. The only difference is the amount of money in the bank accounts. One of the parents will have money for him/herself and the child.

  1. Application for a permanent residence permit
  2. Copy of the foreign passport (simple, page with photo and page with the last entry)
  3. Copy of personal card (simple)
  4. Declaration from the landlord for residence (notarized)
  5. Rental contract (notarized)
  6. Bank certificate (for about half a year of money, by law the amount can be less, but in my opinion – it will not be worse), for one of the parents – together with the child.

Documents for the child

  1. Application for permanent residence
  2. Copy of foreign passport (simple, page with photo and page with last entry)
  3. Copy of personal card (simple)
  4. Birth certificate (translated, legalized, notarized copy)
  5. Declaration from the landlord for residence (notarized)
  6. Tenancy agreement (notarized)
  7. Bank statement from one of the parents (copy or original), who has money in the account for him/her and the child for about half a year.
  8. Declaration from two parents with consent for permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria
  9. Declaration from one of the parents (who has money in the account for him/her and the child) to cover the costs of the child’s stay in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Final thoughts

That concludes this article for now. I will be glad to see you in the community: https://vk.com/bolgarium.

Good luck in your relocation to Bulgaria permanently!

Aleksandr Krylov.

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